Home :: Childrens :: Swinging Kiddos

Swinging Kiddos

Swinging Kiddos
C1: Boy's Hair---Buttercup(Isacord 40 #1135)
C2: Girl's Hair---Fox(Isacord 40 #1186)
C3: Boy's Shoes---Poinsettia(Isacord 40 #1147)
C4: Shoe Bottom---Smoke(Isacord 40 #1219)
C5: Boy's Shirt---White(Isacord 40 #1002)&#13
OESD >> CH604 >> Swinging Kiddos Embroidery Design
Stitches: 12179
Colors: C1: Boy's Hair---Buttercup(Isacord 40 #1135)
C2: Girl's Hair---Fox(Isacord 40 #1186)
C3: Boy's Shoes---Poinsettia(Isacord 40 #1147)
C4: Shoe Bottom---Smoke(Isacord 40 #1219)
C5: Boy's Shirt---White(Isacord 40 #1002)
C6: Boy's Jeans---Tropic
Width: 3.51" / 89.15 cm
Height: 2.08" / 52.83 cm
Market price: $45.00
Our price: $1.00
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Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Handstitch Letter E Schoolhouse Dropped Ball Scrum LILY PAD APPLIQUE
VICTORIA, CANADA Mom Sunflower Eagles Nv261
Appl 4 D ma0407 46552 51148 O
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