Home :: Nautical :: Seashell Applique

Seashell Applique

Seashell Applique
C1: Outline
C2: Tackdown
C3: Stabilizing Stitch
C4: Brown
C5: Lt. Purple
C6: Off-White
C7: Dk. Purple
C8: Outline
C9: Tackdown
C10: Stabilizing Stitch
C11: Off-White
Dakota Collectibles >> NT0125 >> Seashell Applique Embroidery Design
SKU NT0125
Stitches: 18145
Colors: C1: Outline
C2: Tackdown
C3: Stabilizing Stitch
C4: Brown
C5: Lt. Purple
C6: Off-White
C7: Dk. Purple
C8: Outline
C9: Tackdown
C10: Stabilizing Stitch
C11: Off-White
C12: Tan
C13: Lt. Pink
C14: Brown
C15: Dk. Pink
Width: 7.93" / 20.14cm
Height: 5.00" / 12.70cm
Market price: $40.00
Our price: $1.00
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Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
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