Home :: Floral :: ROSES


Great Notions >> 98160 >> ROSES Embroidery Design
SKU 98160
Stitches: 7382
Colors:          C1: ERIC GREEN ---> ROBISON-ANTON 2320 ---> 2046 Stitches
         C2: DARK GREEN ---> ROBISON-ANTON 2208 ---> 1557 Stitches
         C3: YELLOW ---> ROBISON-ANTON 2213 ---> 254 Stitches
         C4: EGGSHELL ---> ROBISON-ANTON 2343 ---> 84 Stitches
         C5: ROSE PINK ---> ROBISON-ANTON 2293 ---> 512 Stitches
         C6: PINK ---> ROBISON-ANTON 2223 ---> 341 Stitches
         C7: RED ---> ROBISON-ANTON 2378 ---> 1012 Stitches
         C8: ORANGE ---> ROBISON-ANTON 2218 ---> 290 Stitches
         C9: BLACK ---> ROBISON-ANTON 2296 ---> 1286 Stitches
Width: 2.33" / 5.91cm
Height: 3.98" / 10.12cm
Market price: $30.00
Our price: $1.00
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Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
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