Home :: Animal :: Quest White

Quest White

Quest White
C1: Background---River Mist(Isacord 40 #1248)
C2: Flower Stem---Erin Green(Isacord 40 #1510)
C3: Stem Outlines---Swiss Ivy(Isacord 40 #1079)
C4: Flowers---Carnation(Isacord 40 #1121)
C5: Flower Shading---Violet(Isacord
OESD >> FM156 >> Quest White Embroidery Design
Stitches: 17329
Colors: C1: Background---River Mist(Isacord 40 #1248)
C2: Flower Stem---Erin Green(Isacord 40 #1510)
C3: Stem Outlines---Swiss Ivy(Isacord 40 #1079)
C4: Flowers---Carnation(Isacord 40 #1121)
C5: Flower Shading---Violet(Isacord 40 #1031)
C6: Flower
Width: 3.4" / 86.36 cm
Height: 3.82" / 97.03 cm
Market price: $50.00
Our price: $1.00
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