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C1: Yellow
C2: Dk. Gold
C3: Dk. Lime
C4: Dk. Avocado2
C5: Dk. Gray
C6: White
C7: Dk. Silver
C8: Red
C9: Dk. Red4
C10: Pink2
C11: Blue
Dakota Collectibles >> SP4015 >> Hook Embroidery Design
SKU SP4015
Stitches: 6128
Colors: C1: Yellow
C2: Dk. Gold
C3: Dk. Lime
C4: Dk. Avocado2
C5: Dk. Gray
C6: White
C7: Dk. Silver
C8: Red
C9: Dk. Red4
C10: Pink2
C11: Blue
Width: 2.80" / 7.11cm
Height: 2.50" / 6.35cm
Market price: $25.00
Our price: $1.00
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