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Surf Name Drop

Surf Name Drop
C1: Sky---Crystal Blue(Isacord 40 #1249)
C2: Sun---Sunflower - neon(Isacord 40 #1023)
C3: Water---Caribbean(Isacord 40 #1090)
C4: Reflection---Island Waters(Isacord 40 #1045)
C5: Board & Flowers---Orange - neon(Isacord
OESD >> SR067 >> Surf Name Drop Embroidery Design
Stitches: 16182
Colors: C1: Sky---Crystal Blue(Isacord 40 #1249)
C2: Sun---Sunflower - neon(Isacord 40 #1023)
C3: Water---Caribbean(Isacord 40 #1090)
C4: Reflection---Island Waters(Isacord 40 #1045)
C5: Board & Flowers---Orange - neon(Isacord 40 #1078)
C6: Board &
Width: 3.43" / 87.12 cm
Height: 3.81" / 96.77 cm
Market price: $50.00
Our price: $1.00
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Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
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