Home :: Floral :: FLORAL EMBLEM


Great Notions >> 6792 >> FLORAL EMBLEM Embroidery Design
SKU 6792
Stitches: 8980
Colors:          C1: YELLOW ---> ROBISON-ANTON 2213 ---> 1702 Stitches
         C2: GOLDEN POPPY ---> ROBISON-ANTON 2330 ---> 478 Stitches
         C3: ERIC GREEN ---> ROBISON-ANTON 2320 ---> 1949 Stitches
         C4: DARK BROWN ---> ROBISON-ANTON 2372 ---> 409 Stitches
         C5: AGED CHARCOAL ---> ROBISON-ANTON 2565 ---> 4442 Stitches
Width: 3.77" / 9.58cm
Height: 3.80" / 9.66cm
Market price: $35.00
Our price: $1.00
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Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
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