Home :: Floral :: Daisies & Wagon Wheel

Daisies & Wagon Wheel

Daisies & Wagon Wheel
Dakota Collectibles >> FL1274 >> Daisies & Wagon Wheel Embroidery Design
SKU FL1274
Stitches: 19623
Colors: C1: Brown2
C2: Med. Lime
C3: Brown2
C4: Tan
C5: Dk. Brown
C6: Brown2
C7: Dk. Brown
C8: Lt. Lt. Umber
C9: Lt. Umber
C10: Med. Lime
C11: Lt. Green
C12: Pearl
C13: Dk. Dk. Yellow2
C14: Lt. Lt. Turquoise
Width: 3.45" / 8.76cm
Height: 3.57" / 9.07cm
Market price: $25.00
Our price: $1.00
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Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Holstein Letter A #1 Teacher Crossed Claymores Mallard BEEHIVE MOSAIC
REDWORK BORDER LEAVES Ship Logo Crest Shield Border v
Cd08 Celtic Applique 2 130x130 5903 51194 BLDG1017
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