Home :: Wildlife :: Badger


C1: Dk. Avocado2
C2: Dk. Dk. Avocado
C3: Dk. Avocado2
C4: Avocado2
C5: Tan
C6: Lt. Brown
C7: Brown2
C8: Lt. Brown
C9: Dk. Beige
C10: Tan
C11: Pearl
C12: Dk.
Dakota Collectibles >> WL1944 >> Badger Embroidery Design
SKU WL1944
Stitches: 33234
Colors: C1: Dk. Avocado2
C2: Dk. Dk. Avocado
C3: Dk. Avocado2
C4: Avocado2
C5: Tan
C6: Lt. Brown
C7: Brown2
C8: Lt. Brown
C9: Dk. Beige
C10: Tan
C11: Pearl
C12: Dk. Brown
C13: Dk. Dk. Beige
C14: Black
C15: Pearl
C16: A
Width: 6.98" / 17.73cm
Height: 3.09" / 7.85cm
Market price: $40.00
Our price: $1.00
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